1st one being the massive plum tree right outside our lounge! (My landlord owns next door too which includes the vacant section he wants to sell off, so we have permission to help ourselves) If the pic was closer you would see the whole branch Jakes holding has plums all the way along it, hes so excited! The weight of the plums is making the bunches sag within reach so even better.
Rubbish picture, but its an apple tree covered in apples :) Theres two on the section, two different types too! Double bonus! Theres also a peach tree, Fejoa tree and Orange tree. Im in self seffcient heaven, soon our fruit bill will be zilch.
My garden that I installed. I need another as I run out of room. off the top of my head theres silverbeet, lettuces, toms, corn, cauli, brocs, brussel spourts (purple ones) onions, Marigolds and cornflowers, Chickpeas and spaghetti squash and more. (soon vegie bill... Zilch ;) )
Close up of one of the Spaghetti squashes, one vine is HUGE (mass of green growing upwards in the far left corner in the above pic) and is producing a lot of female flowers (as well as male) so looks like Ill be getting a good crop *touch wood* I've never grown it before so was going to be happy with just one squash as a tester.
My Chickpeas, spourted from dried peas out of my cupboard, I was not expecting much from them but they are starting to flower so they might be furtile after all! (they are ment to be heat treated and not spourtable! Ha!) Never grown them before so will be interesting, I cant wait to try fresh chickpeas, yum!
Strawberry patch!! Its doing so well I might have to expand it out next year to make room for the new growth. Theres also garlic growing. (Companion planting) Sadly none are ripe at the moment a couple more days and they will be. (Second round of fruiting) The round tub Jakes standing on and the far one has Rhubarb in it and Ive just planted Popcorn in one, I was hoping to have another raised bed ready by now for it but life has been in the way so we will see how it goes. Hopefully its not too close to the sweetcorn so we wont get cross pollination.
Strawberry patch!! Its doing so well I might have to expand it out next year to make room for the new growth. Theres also garlic growing. (Companion planting) Sadly none are ripe at the moment a couple more days and they will be. (Second round of fruiting) The round tub Jakes standing on and the far one has Rhubarb in it and Ive just planted Popcorn in one, I was hoping to have another raised bed ready by now for it but life has been in the way so we will see how it goes. Hopefully its not too close to the sweetcorn so we wont get cross pollination.
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