Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jakes 4th B-day.

Heres some piccies from his big day. We went out for a family dinner on the sunday and he had a party at care on the Monday.

Rocket ship cake for the care party.

It was a Rainbow cake so heres what the inside looks like.
Jake n Grans Cake for Sunday night. (was choc)
Traffic light cookies for care
3D Teddybear cookies... Biggest mission ever!
Early present opening, so I had child free time on the sunday to ice everything, but then I couldnt put the darn thing together! But it did the job for the day untill I could get someone else to fix it!
His Bear all made and ready! Im so pleased with how it turned out!
Dinner pic, with Mr Zane next to him. (I knitted Jakes top for his b-day)
Care party pics

Mr Bear dressed in his vest n scarf (made by Gran)

Opening a pressie.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The boy turns 4 in 6 days!

So what better time to decide to make him a teddy bear! Because last minute ideas are the best ones dont ya know! I got the kit at the craft fair on Friday and thought hey why not make it for Jakes B-day... Ive got a couple hours spare....
I chose "George" with long pile fur. He stands (or sits). Kit was from

Pattern all layed out and traced ready to be cut out... Im pretty nervous about here! (note theres no spare fur for me use if I bung a part up!! eeek.) The instructions say "only cut the backing not the fur" Well sure, I totally know what that means! So an hour later its all done and cut. (No fur was cut either ;) )
I was warned to pin it well before sewing because its a long pile fur and can slip. So I pinned and pinned! The ears were a mission! I need to sew and then pin more for most bits, but need thread to match first (plus by this point Ive been at it for 2 hours and gotta pick the boy up from care!)

I am also knitting him a jersey, hopefully its ready for the big day. Really I only have the sleeves left to knit so should be do-able!