Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jakes 4th B-day.

Heres some piccies from his big day. We went out for a family dinner on the sunday and he had a party at care on the Monday.

Rocket ship cake for the care party.

It was a Rainbow cake so heres what the inside looks like.
Jake n Grans Cake for Sunday night. (was choc)
Traffic light cookies for care
3D Teddybear cookies... Biggest mission ever!
Early present opening, so I had child free time on the sunday to ice everything, but then I couldnt put the darn thing together! But it did the job for the day untill I could get someone else to fix it!
His Bear all made and ready! Im so pleased with how it turned out!
Dinner pic, with Mr Zane next to him. (I knitted Jakes top for his b-day)
Care party pics

Mr Bear dressed in his vest n scarf (made by Gran)

Opening a pressie.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The boy turns 4 in 6 days!

So what better time to decide to make him a teddy bear! Because last minute ideas are the best ones dont ya know! I got the kit at the craft fair on Friday and thought hey why not make it for Jakes B-day... Ive got a couple hours spare....
I chose "George" with long pile fur. He stands (or sits). Kit was from

Pattern all layed out and traced ready to be cut out... Im pretty nervous about here! (note theres no spare fur for me use if I bung a part up!! eeek.) The instructions say "only cut the backing not the fur" Well sure, I totally know what that means! So an hour later its all done and cut. (No fur was cut either ;) )
I was warned to pin it well before sewing because its a long pile fur and can slip. So I pinned and pinned! The ears were a mission! I need to sew and then pin more for most bits, but need thread to match first (plus by this point Ive been at it for 2 hours and gotta pick the boy up from care!)

I am also knitting him a jersey, hopefully its ready for the big day. Really I only have the sleeves left to knit so should be do-able!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Trucks and Dirt, all a boy could need.

I took Jake to the field days yesturday. It was so tiring. Cost me a small bomb, but oh well, he seemed to enjoy the animals and tractors and I scored a few bargins on gloves and socks and fudge... ;)
This must be the tamest cow around, it just sat there and let the kids pat it, the fact it was penned at a steak house selling steak sammies for $5 probably had a few things to do with it!
Just before getting on this tractor he turned me to all serious and said "Dont worry, Im not going to really turn it on"
The pants Jakes wearing are some lined waterproof pants I made him (ottobre pattern, "eskimo pants"), I have also made him some jeans, must remember to get a pic.
Ive been busy knitting, I finished Jakes poncho, still have to dye it... which means I have to remember to buy the dye!
And Ive knitted a kimono top as part of a swap. The pattern was nice to knit and best of all no sewing up needed!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Winter = Knitting

I have also discovered 'Nursing essays due = knitting' ;) Just dont tell my tutors!
Ive managed to get a fair bit done (by my standards anyway) in the last few weeks, most days are spent looking for the next project, Ive run out 'want to knits'! Arrrgh.

Last night I whipped up a pair of handwarmers (pattern on rav, Ill look it up and add it here later) I ended up having a blonde moment and ended up doubling the number of SS rows, but decided I perfer the fit this way. It gives a much nicer snug fit. This pair is for a swap box, Ill whip up Jake a pair sometime soon. (Ive just started a poncho for Jake so Ill knit some handwarmers when I get bored)

And the wool is Tekapo "Tartan" orginal version, they have changed the dye now and its not as nice as the one I have. :(
Newborn pair of longies, orginally knitted for a baby thats now 1yr old lol, woops. So it will be going in the swap box too.

Ive dyed some wool for a random secret gift, Hopefully the colours are liked!

And I have some green dye left in the crockpot after dying my headband so bunged a skein of wool in, love the colour a lot!

Ive finished Jakes vest!! I love it. This pic is it unblocked, Ive since blocked it and it looks much better, bummer the flash washed out the lighter green and you cant really see the cables but oh well, just believe me when I say it is awesome. ;)

I knitted a shawl, using wool recieved in a yarn swap. Im in love with it and plan on using it in the lecture halls in winter when it can freeze, esp if your sitting for a few hours. This was my first piece of 'major' lace work, So im stoked with the out come.
Close up of the lace work.
A headband I made for me. I used a natural grey wool knitted it then dyed it (headband I was dying when I dyed the green wool) Very easy quick pattern, only a few hours knitting.

I have also knitted a NB jacket but got bored with the sewing up, must get on with it or the baby its intended for will be 1 as well before I finish!

I have holidays in July, so fingers crossed I get some crafting time in then!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers day

My poor neglected blog!

Darn study and work are getting in the way of my fun time!

It was mothers day on Sunday, but I had work so Jake was at his fathers. He did come home with a card for me tho which is just so cute!

Me: Is this me Jake?
Jake: Yes its you and your a monkey!!
Hmmm thanks babe. I guess that makes me a super special mummy ah??

And inside some of his lovely writting. Hes taken to writting like a fish to water! Im so proud of Mr 3! Im expecting novels from him by the time he starts school ;) And hes LEFT HANDED! Keeping the Tait tradition and following his gran and mother.

on the left hand side is a drawing of a flower :D

Monday, February 15, 2010

12 Random things

So I have decided on my goal for the year. It is to do 12 random selfless acts/things. It can be money, a service, time, gift etc. No limit at all, it just has to be totally for someone elses benefit.
And why 12?? Well thats simple ;) that makes it one a month. Totally manageable!
So my first random thing from back in Jan. (Yes month late posting but hopefully that means Ill remain Anom. ;) Plus I didnt have photos of it so had to steal the ones she took, hope she doesnt mind!!)
A TNNer (Nappy networker ) had missed out on her secret santa swap as the other person didnt send anything :( how sad is that! So I made her a bag (ottobre design) a set of stitch markers and included a cut of mushroom fabric and big block of choc. Oh and it was wrapped up in a big picture painted by Jake, which she lovingly added in the pictures :D so lovely of her to do that!
It cheered her up and she seemed to like it which is what I hoped it would do :)
I didnt let the organiser tell her who it was from as to me that means Id recieve credit and would make it seem less about her, which I didnt want, as it was all about her and her knowing we hadnt missed noticing she had missed out. (But Maybe Im just strange as most people own up??)

And now Im half way thru month 2, Im getting worried I have no idea what to do! I doubt buying my friends a shot of tequila each the pub the other night counts! So Ill have to keep thinking. I thought Id struck gold when my friend said she needed 3mths rego for her partner to start a new job but alas no Winz covered it for them. So back to the drawing board...

Busy busy!

Well its been a few weeks. At least I can say Ive been doing 'stuff' in this update! I have painted the bathroom and kitchen, bye bye ugggggly peach! So much nicer.
Ive also gotten the knitting and sewing bug, perfect just in time for returning to tech and having no spare time!

I have started a lovely cabled vest for Jake, Im so in love with it and really enjoying knitting it, I normally like to knit on circ needles but Ive found the flats love again. So heres a sneak peak at it (because it will be a while until its finished!)
The lime green verigated wool is from a swap a while ago, Im so in love with it!

And today I finally sewed Jake his Thomas Pjs, the fabrics been floating around the lounge with him asking for pjs everyday, Not a very clear pic at all but its satin Thomas print boxers and a singlet with a square of satin sewn on. He also asked for a pocket so will add that later (for his wipe that he always lugs to bed for his watery allergy eyes :( )

I did a swap/trade that involved me sewing a circ needle roll, so I came up with this, love the colours and I really enjoyed sewing it, spent the time measuring and ironing etc (for a change *blush*)
So decided to make another for a secret box trade. (hope no one for that is looking here!!)

And all rolled up.
More knitting bug. A pilar dishcloth, no idea why its off on funny angle tho! Hoping it straightens in the wash. Loved this pattern, was nice and easy but not so easy you zone out from being bored.
ANd for my dishcloth swap I made an owl cloth.

and a cupcake, but its tiny! Stupid pattern! Will have to upsize it and make another to send off!
I also made a bag for the bag swap. This one is a nappy bag, at first I was a bit gutted to get someone who wanted a nappy bag *blush* I was never a 'nappy bag mum' as they were boring and bulky and encourage you carry around loads too much stuff. But found some fabrics I fell in love with and got all excited to sew a nappy bag ;) Personally I think its the best nappy bag ever!
Double front pocket on one side, smaller pocket to the side on the other side.
Zippered pocket inside and smaller pocket on the other
and an elasticated pocket on the side inside.
Just need to find the magnet button I brought and put somewhere 'safe', attach it and its ready to go.
I have also been dyeing wool but still to get pics of that. :)